Frequently Asked Questions


Unfamiliar with Sound Healing? Here are a few questions that may help you feel more comfortable and prepared.

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What does Sound Healing help with? What are the benefits?:

This is a loaded question but a few major benefits:

  • We use sound to help relieve anxiety and activate your parasympathetic nervous system so your body can get out of flight or fight mode and function normally. 

  • Sound can stimulate the Vagus Nerve which is the longest nerve in your body and truly the bridge connecting to all major functions of the body. 

  • Sound truly has the capability to change our physical state!

Is it normal if I fall asleep?

It is normal to become so relaxed that you may fall asleep. Your body will still reap the benefits of the vibrations resonating throughout it whether you sleep or are simply able to find yourself in a deeply relaxed parasympathetic mode.

Do I need to do anything during a Sound Bath?:

You’ll want to come dressed comfortably for lying on a yoga mat.. You’ll want to come with an open mind and willingness to be vulnerable enough to allow your body to be open to receiving the healing frequencies that will be flowing and available to you. You’ll want to come ready to release what isn’t serving you currently.